Safeguard Financial Advisors
Safeguard Financial Advisors (SFA) is a family business geared towards giving peace of mind and strategic advice to seniors as they approach their “Golden Years”.
Being a senior myself, I understand the 5 major concerns typical of our age group.
Funeral expenses, unpaid bills, & debt.
Critical Illness
Chronic Illness
Terminal Illness
Medicare Setup
The Solution? Whether a Final Expense policy, or Living Benefits life insurance, we’ve got a solution to fit your precise needs.

Jim Johnston was healthy – he surfed, he golfed, and was active. He had no reason to think he was going to get diagnosed with cancer. When he discovered a lump under his jawline while shaving, his world was changed in an instant. Watch as Jim and his wife Anne relive his unexpected throat cancer diagnosis, and how his Living Benefits life insurance policy ultimately saved them from financial disaster.
When business owner Devan Shockley was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma in his calf, he and his wife Cathleen were shocked to find that their excellent health insurance left a gap of more than $30,000 to treat his cancer. To their vast relief, Living Benefits was available on their life insurance policy, and they were able to accelerate nearly $200,000 to get the relief they needed en route to a full recovery.